Sunday, July 29, 2012


It seems the theme of "Arise and Shine Forth" keeps appearing in my life.  We had a lesson on it last week in Relief Society and tonight I sang in a Jenny Phillips' fireside centered around this.  Of course, it is the youth theme for this year, so naturally it is rather wide spread, but I've been pondering more about it than I ever have before.  In the past, when I heard that phrase, I mostly thought of being a good example and focused on the "shining" part.  But I've been realizing the importance of the very first word.  We are commanded to "arise."

Arise is a call to action.  It's not a passive thing.  Sister Elaine S. Dalton said, "Arise and shine forth is a call to each of you to lead the world in a mighty cause."  I love that.  It is too easy to live life passively (at least for me).  It is much easier for me to be an observer rather than a doer.  But "arise and shine forth" is a call to action.  I must not sit passively expecting people to come to me.  No, we are not agents to be acted upon.  I'm done waiting around and letting other people take the action.  I've decided that I'm going to get out of my shell more and "arise."  I'm going to leave behind the cares of the world and rise up, not just for myself, but for others.  I'm going to act and serve and befriend and lead, just as Sister Dalton asked us to do.

I love the scriptures.  And I love how there are always new things to learn from them.  I'm sure one day I'll be reading this same scripture and gain a whole new layer of understanding.  So wonderful.

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