Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Sneak Peak of my Show and Happy Valentine's Day!

Here's a photo of the show I've costume, Les Belles Soeurs or The Beautiful Sisters.  Final dress rehearsal was tonight and after two shoe repairs, I am hopefully done.  Hurray! 

I am excited to be done and to have more sleep and more time to actually study and to just live life.  But it's been a fantastic experience.  I've learned so much.  It was a challenge since we had only $35 to spend on all of the costumes.  But I feel like I succeeded!  And one of the design professors even said it didn't look like "a no budget show."  I was so happy. 

The cast has been just lovely to work with and I'm going to miss seeing them every night.  Since our Valentine's Day was spent at dress rehearsal the cast gave secret valentine's to each other and one sweet girl realized the crew would see this and not be getting anything, so she made us all cookies and valentines.  It was so thoughtful.  And inside my valentine was the kindest note that made my day.

It said:
Thanks for being such an awesome 
costume designer and making us all 
look good!  You have truly been a joy
to be around and you've done amazing work."

And to that I say, thank you!  You made my Valentine's Day.  I thought it was just going to be a test and dress rehearsal, with no thought of the holiday it was.  Thanks for making it special.

Hope your Valentine's Day was wonderful and I promise more pictures to come!

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